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drag calculation造句

"drag calculation"是什么意思  
  • Additionally, critical path drag calculation has been coded into project scheduling software, both in Spider Project and as an add-on product to Microsoft Project from Boyle Project Consulting, PLLC.
  • And if we downgrade the thrust estimate to'a few grams'- ie maybe 0.03N, then re-run my drag calculations with a much bigger cross-sectional area-and now your zepplin is moving at a half mile per hour.
  • Knowing that deceleration curve ( and the mass of the car )-you can produce an empirical measurement of the net forces on the unpowered car as a function of speed-so you can forget about all of those ugly drag calculations ( which is good because some of the things like the coefficient of drag and the cross-sectional area are hard to calculate directly ).
  • It's difficult to see drag calculation in a sentence. 用drag calculation造句挺难的
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